5 Ways to Improve Your Website’s E-A-T and Boost Your SEO

5 Ways to Improve Your Website's E-A-T and Boost Your SEO

E-A-T and SEO are two terms you may not be familiar with, but if you run a website, they are key to your site’s success.

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, and SEO stands for search engine optimization. E-A-T is what Google wants to see from your site, that you’re providing quality, factually correct information to your website visitors. SEO is a tool to use when writing content and building your site to make sure it ranks as high as possible when someone searches for relevant keywords.

Basically, the better your SEO is, the higher the position of your website will be on search result pages. This is a good thing because the higher your website is listed, the more likely people are to see it and click on it for answers to whatever they were searching for.

SEO has become critical in the digital marketing world. E-A-T, on the other hand, is also important but is less common and becoming more vital every day as the internet is flooded with an abundance of spam and misleading sites. E-A-T first came on the scene in August of 2018, and the acronym itself comes from Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines, so you know it’s an important factor in boosting your searchability.

If someone is searching for something subjective, like “cute dogs,” then E-A-T isn’t as critical. But if they’re searching for the answer to “how to improve credit score” or the dosage of aspirin to take, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness are vital.

So now that you know what E-A-T and SEO are, how can you improve them? Here are five ways.

1. Build More Links

Links to and from your site have the biggest impact on your site’s expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. These links and mentions should come from or link to sites that are deemed authoritative and relevant, showing that your site is an authority on that search term.

In short, it is quality over quantity when it comes to links on your website and in your posts. Higher-quality links will better represent your company than low-quality links.

2. Keep Your Content Up To Date

A page can’t be deemed trustworthy (the T in E-A-T) if the content on the website is out of date. We live in an ever-evolving world, and that should be reflected on your website, so content on your site should be maintained and updated regularly.

Even if your content is evergreen, it should still be edited, reviewed, and updated on a regular basis. This will help improve your website’s E-A-T and help you reach a higher search engine result.

3. Check the Facts

The truth is out there, and your site should be factually accurate on your topic of choice. Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines say that truthfulness can help lead to higher E-A-T.

Search engines don’t want to be showcasing false information when people go to search for something, as that defeats the purpose of the person’s search.

Make sure you fact-check anything on your website before going live. One way to fact-check is by using sources Google has vetted and deemed as authoritative. If you are citing sources on your website or in your post, make sure those sources are legitimate.

4. Get More Reviews

Quality raters use online reviews to rate websites. It’s one of the sources of reputable information that Google tells its raters to use. In particular, one review site they use often is the Better Business Bureau. That means that if you have a low rating on the Better Business Bureau, your website could be seen as having a negative reputation, and your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness and SEO will be adversely affected.

Some people have claimed to debunk this theory, but it doesn’t hurt to have a high ranking on BBB. You should focus on having more positive reviews online in general. Pay attention to sites in your niche that matter. For instance, if you are a restaurant, you want to pay attention to your online ratings on Yelp.

Getting more mentions on other people’s websites, especially with a link back to your website, can help, too.

5. Hire experts

E-A-T and SEO can seem intimidating, especially if you aren’t in the digital marketing world. And it may be hard to see the importance of spending time to improve these things.

Trust us, they are essential to the success of your website!

Rather than mastering E-A-T and SEO yourself, consider outsourcing. There are many digital marketing experts who speak E-A-T and SEO fluently and can help you improve both. This will help you get a higher ranking, putting more eyes on your site and earning more clicks to your page.

Think about it: the higher you rank in a Google search, the more likely customers (especially new customers) are to come to your page. With more customers on your page, your revenue is likely to go up thanks to the influx of clicks and purchases that come as a result.

So, where can you find an expert who can help you with your E-A-T and SEO? Look no further than InnoVision Marketing Group. We are a full-service marketing and digital agency, and yes, we speak both E-A-T and SEO fluently!

At InnoVision, we know that strategy, an understanding of the digital landscape, and knowledge of your product and market are all key components of your digital presence. Let us worry about this so you can focus on your company, your employees, and your product or service. We are always looking for new companies to partner with to build their digital presence, so contact us today. We’d love to help you improve your E-A-T and SEO.

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