Who Manages Your Digital Public Relations?

Who Manages Your Digital Public Relations?

Digital public relations are the process of managing an organization’s online presence and reputation. This includes developing and maintaining relationships with key online influencers, monitoring online conversations for mentions of the organization, and responding to reviews or comments. It can often include mitigating negative reviews and comments as well or responding to inquiries in private messages.

With the rise of social media, managing digital public relations has become increasingly important. Organizations can no longer control every message communicated about them online. Instead, they must actively participate in the conversation. This means that every organization must use digital PR if they want to operate successfully.

Managing digital public relations requires a different skill set than traditional public relations. In addition to understanding how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the internet, digital PR professionals must be able to effectively use social media tools and understand search engine optimization.

Digital public relations are an important part of any organization’s overall communications strategy. By managing their online presence and reputation, organizations can ensure that they are putting their best foot forward in the digital world.

What Can Go Wrong With Digital Public Relations?

If you don’t manage your digital public relations correctly, there are a number of things that can go wrong.

First, you could end up with a negative online reputation. This could happen if you ignore negative reviews or comments about your organization, if you do not respond to your direct messages on various platforms, if you do not monitor your “mentions,” or if you fail to engage with key influencers. A negative online reputation can damage your brand and make it difficult to attract new customers or clients.

Second, you could miss out on valuable opportunities. If you’re not actively monitoring online conversations, you could miss out on key trends or issues that are relevant to your industry, or miss opportunities to interact with customers. This could lead to your organization being left behind by your competitors.

Third, you could waste time and resources. If you’re not using social media effectively, you could end up spending a lot of time and effort without seeing any results. This is a waste of valuable resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

Advantages of Managing Your Own Digital Public Relations

When it comes to managing your digital public relations, there are advantages and disadvantages to both doing it yourself and hiring professionals.

Advantages of managing digital public relations yourself include:

Creative Control

Managing your own digital PR gives you complete creative control. You also don’t need to explain your vision or your brand voice to anyone else. You can simply put your ideas into action. Additionally, there is a certain amount of pride that comes with doing it all yourself.

Less Expense

One of the biggest advantages of managing digital public relations yourself is that it’s less expensive than hiring an outside team to handle it. While you will need to invest some time and effort into learning the ropes, you won’t have to worry about paying someone else to do the work for you.

Disadvantages of Managing Your Own PR

Lack of Experience

One of the biggest disadvantages of managing digital public relations yourself is that you may lack the experience and knowledge that professionals can have. This can lead to mistakes being made that could damage your online reputation.

Less Time to Focus on Your Business

Another disadvantage of going it alone is that it takes time away from running your business. If you are constantly having to monitor your online presence and respond to comments or reviews, you may not have as much time to focus on growing your business.

Advantages of Hiring Professionals

Plenty of Experience

One of the biggest advantages of hiring professionals for digital public relations is that they have plenty of experience. They know the ins and outs of the industry and can help you avoid making mistakes.

Ability to Enhance Your Vision

Hiring professionals for digital public relations can also help you enhance your vision. They can take your ideas and create something compelling, making your online presence more impactful.

Frees Up Time for You to Focus on Your Business

Perhaps the greatest advantage of hiring professionals for digital public relations is that it frees up your time to focus on running your business. You won’t have to worry about monitoring your online presence or responding to comments and reviews—you can leave that to the professionals.

Digital public relations are an important part of any organization’s overall communications strategy. By managing their online presence and reputation, organizations can ensure they are putting their best foot forward in the digital world.

When Should You Do Digital PR Yourself? When Should You Hire Professionals?

After reading this, you will be aware of the pros and cons of doing it yourself and also of the pitfalls that you may encounter when doing digital PR.

So when should you do your own digital public relations? The answer to this depends on a few things. The first is that you must have plenty of additional time, in addition to the day-to-day tasks of running your business. Properly managing digital PR takes time and commitment. If you don’t have the time to dedicate to it, consider hiring a professional.

You also need to have the necessary skills for digital PR. What those skills require will depend entirely on your PR strategy, but they usually include some SEO and SEM knowledge and analytics, communication, and design skills. A team of professionals will have all those skills at their fingertips.

If you need a helping hand with your PR, speak with the experts at InnoVision today. Our team has all the know-how to make your digital public relations a massive success so you can focus on the success of your business.