5 Ways a Hispanic Marketing Group Can Benefit Your Business

5 Ways a Hispanic Marketing Group Can Benefit Your Business

Despite being an ever-expanding market, the Hispanic demographic has been historically underserved by advertisers. While people of Hispanic descent make up over 18 percent of the population of the United States, only 6 percent of advertising revenue is spent trying to reach this segment of the population. Many of the target audience speak Spanish as their first language, yet advertisers spend very little time and money crafting ads in their native language.

For business owners, this can mean a gigantic missed opportunity, and that’s why more and more successful entrepreneurs are employing a Hispanic marketing group to reach one of the largest markets in the company. Programs such as the one offered by InnoVision Español can not only craft ads with appropriate colloquial translations, they can design advertisements with authentic Hispanic messaging. This is because the team is run by members of the Hispanic community. Below, we’ll explain five ways a Hispanic marketing group can benefit your business.

1. Every Component of the Marketing Is Addressed By Members of the Demographic

It’s true that most companies don’t even bother to try to reach the Hispanic market. Many of those that do attempt to do so simply run ads through Google Translate, or they release the same ads they do for every other market, sometimes with subtitles. Of course, neither of these are effective ways to reach an audience of potential consumers.

Each element of the advertising, from print copy to digital ads to social media posts and everything in between, should be designed with the target demographic in mind. When reaching out to Hispanic markets, the copy should be written by native Spanish speakers with a thorough understanding of the culture the advertisement is trying to reach.

2. Research-Based Marketing Tailored to Geographic Areas

A great deal of advertising these days fails to reach a wider audience because it’s too cookie-cutter, with the same marketing tactics being used on every potential audience. This watered-down approach may allow businesses to cast a wide net at a relatively low cost, but there’s no point in this method if those businesses are not getting a substantial return on their investments.

The fact is, each geographic area has a different demographic to which advertisers should attempt to tailor their message, and the marketing they do should reflect that demographic. In an area like San Diego, the Hispanic market is as large as 34 percent of the total population, which means that your business must connect with this critical part of the population in order to survive and thrive.

InnoVision uses the UREEL approach to advertising: Understand, Research, Educate, Experience, and Learn. This means that the Hispanic marketing group begins by understanding its target audience. Armed with this understanding, they can start researching the interests of the target audience. They’ll also spend a great deal of time understanding the core mission of your business so that they can help you to connect with that target audience.

3. Branding That Matches the Values of Your Target Audience

Another key part of connecting with a specific segment of the population is ensuring that your branding matches their values. Branding is a powerful and complex part of any business enterprise, and it requires many professionals, each of whom brings their own skills to the table to create a full and cohesive product. This means everything from copywriters to web designers to production artists, all of whom must be on the same page and share the same vision to sell your product to the people who will respond to it best.

InnoVision Español has a team of dedicated professionals who have an understanding of the values of their target market, all of whom will work together to achieve that cohesive branding for your company.

4. Web Design and App Design That’s Perfect for the Needs of Your Business

Having a strong internet presence is, of course, a critical part of the survival of any business in this day and age. Having a website that speaks to your target market is a key part of the reason why you should hire a Hispanic marketing group like InnoVision Español. The experts there will craft a website from the ground up that will help connect your product with your target audience in a way that will ensure a user-friendly interface.

Of course, each business’s needs are different with regard to its web presence, and InnoVision’s team understands this and works to create the perfect website for your company. You may simply need a multi-page website that guides users to product information. Or you may need a more complex e-commerce site for selling products that will ship nationally or internationally. In either case, InnoVision can design it for you, from scratch, if necessary.

App design is also part of InnoVision Español’s wheelhouse. Many businesses of all types nowadays utilize apps to ensure customer loyalty and repeat business. Discuss with the marketing team at InnoVision if you believe an app would serve as a vital part of your marketing strategy.

5. Video Production and Other Services to Ensure Maximum Reach for Your Target Market

Research has shown that brand videos can go a long way toward expanding a company’s reach, as can other, alternative forms of marketing, such as digital and social media marketing. The reality is that the Hispanic market is not a monolith. It is made up of millions of people of all ages with varied interests and an equally varied amount of tech usage. With InnoVision, your business will craft an advertising package that can reach every nook and cranny of the market. This means crafting top-quality, sleekly produced video ads, engaging social media ads, and everything in between.

The ads that are created for your organization will also be tracked and their success monitored. This means that the focus can always be kept on the more successful elements of the marketing that is being done.

Reach out to our team at InnoVision Español today and see how we can help reach out to new markets for your business.