Revolutionize Your Brand With Data-Driven Marketing

When done right, a successful marketing campaign is both an art and a science. It’s an art because it depends on creativity, innovation, and a willingness to continuously think outside the box to find unique ways to reach new customers. It’s a science because it relies on measurable and verifiable data-driven marketing to grow and spread a brand effectively.

At InnoVision Global Marketing, we aim to combine these two seemingly contradictory elements into something truly unique. By taking full advantage of the creative use of statistical information, you can truly revolutionize your brand and bring it to a broader audience than you ever thought possible. Read on to discover how.

What Does “Data Driven” Mean?

Each customer is a unique individual with their own needs, wants, and interests. Nevertheless, when you analyze groups of people, patterns in their behavior begin to emerge. You can see these patterns in all social phenomena, including the products they buy and the services they opt for. Information on these behavioral trends makes up most of the “data” in data-driven marketing. It is compiled through analysis of the facts with regard to a given market’s spending habits, how they consume their advertising, and what products and services may best serve that segment of the population.

How is the Data Gathered?

There are multiple methods by which you can gather the information you use in your data-driven marketing programs. A great deal of it is acquired through tracking analytics on social media. You can track common searches, popular keywords, and what type of products are resonating with customers in a given geographic location.

Data can also be provided by customers directly. Most prospective customers are pretty happy to share information on their shopping trends. By asking them to fill out surveys when they make purchases or show interest in a given product, you can glean a great deal of valuable data that can then be applied to the next marketing campaign.

Finally, of course, you can consider simple sales. Did a product take off in one market but struggle to do so in another? Who is most interested in the services a company renders? This information also informs your marketing programs.

How Will it Revolutionize My Brand?

To succeed in the competitive business world, all companies must learn how to make the best possible use of their limited resources. Even the most expertly crafted marketing campaign is useless if it’s simply fired off into the void without being effectively tailored to the target audience. If your brand doesn’t present itself as something a potential customer may need or may be interested in, then any money you have spent advertising to them is wasted. One of the goals of an effective data-driven marketing campaign is to minimize that waste, allowing your business to gain the maximum possible return on your advertising investment.

Branding and Rebranding

The data you gather for your advertising campaign can also help you adapt your brand to different audiences so you find the best strategy for selling your goods or services to a particular demographic.

To get an understanding of what we mean by this, take a look at one of the most successful brands of all time: Levi Strauss denim blue jeans. Their iconic jeans were originally created as work clothing for cowboys and other individuals with rugged outdoor jobs. Then they eventually caught on with customers who considered themselves part of a hip counterculture. In the 1980s, luxury denim became incredibly in vogue with the fashion-conscious. The whole time, however, Levi Strauss jeans remained popular with working people everywhere.

Today, when Levi Strauss utilizes data-driven marketing campaigns, they adapt their brand depending on what market they are attempting to serve. They wouldn’t try to market their jeans as a luxury, high-fashion product to blue-collar workers looking for heavy-duty work clothes. They also wouldn’t market rugged work clothes to the counterculture world; it simply wouldn’t appeal to those audiences. By adapting its brand depending on the different demographics, Levi Strauss has found success in many different markets across the world.

The Secret of a Successful Marketing Campaign

Of course, raw data alone doesn’t make for much of a marketing campaign, so the next step in a successful marketing program is to learn to apply the knowledge we’ve gathered effectively. This is where we come in at InnoVision Global Marketing. The gathering of data is only the beginning. The next step is to analyze social media trends, observe market trends, and study the successes of your competitors in order to design a strategy that will effectively serve your business.

As InnoVision works with you to implement your carefully designed strategy, we will help you with brand cohesiveness so that your business will remain recognizable, regardless of what market it’s in. We’ll help you to create a mission statement that transcends demographics to stay relevant even in wildly different geographic areas. This improved level of cohesion will allow your brand to begin taking off worldwide as customers begin to recognize the product or service you are selling, no matter where they are located.

Only when we’ve established these basic elements will we begin bringing our substantial creativity to bear to design effective advertising for you. We’ll create tailor-made ads to reach the demographic you’re trying to reach and adapt your messaging as needed for the regions where your product or service will be available. Then we’ll work with you to use the data gathered to create advertisements that are readily available on your target market’s social media platform of choice.

In short, InnoVision Global Marketing will use the best techniques in advertising to see you through the whole process, from start to finish. Speak with our marketing experts to get started today.