What Are Buyer Personas in Digital Marketing?

What Are Buyer Personas in Digital Marketing?

If you’re in the business of selling a product or service, you’ll want to be able to do so to the best of your ability. With marketing changing so rapidly, many business owners have found that the best way for them to sell their products or services is to understand as much as possible about their potential customers.

Through market research, people have been able to come up with something called a “buyer persona” to help them identify key aspects about their consumers. These buyer personas have made selling to customers easier by conducting necessary research and using it wisely. InnoVision and other digital marketing companies use buyer personas to create more specific digital marketing campaigns and increase sales for business owners.

Here is some more information on what a buyer persona is and how to use it to your advantage:

What Is a Buyer Persona in a Digital Market?

If you’ve been wondering what a buyer persona in a digital market is, you’re not alone. Many people are looking into ways to improve their digital marketing, and understanding what a buyer persona is can be a great first step.

In short, buyer personas are a research-based fictional representation of your target customer. They help to make the picture of who you’re selling to clearer by understanding specific things about them. Developing a buyer persona can tell you who your customers are, how they make decisions, what their interests are, and much more. With this information, businesses can better target who they’re marketing to, especially on digital platforms.

Many businesses will have more than one buyer persona that they are targeting their product or service to, but few have more than a handful. Through research, you’ll find that there are just a few buyer personas that make up the bulk of your customer base, and narrowing it down to just these few will help you create more specific digital marketing strategies.

Why Are They Helpful?

You can imagine how hard it is to get the entire internet interested in your product. This type of broad digital marketing strategy could waste time and money on people who are not and may never be interested in your products or services. To avoid this, many businesses are trying to speak just to the people who are most likely to buy from them. On the other hand, it can be just as time-consuming and wasteful to try to market to each specific individual interested in your business.

A compromise for this issue is to find out as much as you can about the vast majority of people in your target audience. Through research, you’ll find that many of them have traits in common, and from that, you can create a buyer persona.

When you understand who your audience is, you can start creating digital advertisements and content that speak solely to them. When you know even more about them, you can create even more direct material. Buyer personas allow you to do that and increase your odds of getting sales. You can adjust your digital marketing to coincide with your buyer personas’ spending habits, buying habits, the time of day they’re most likely on the internet, and more.

How Are They Used in a Digital Market?

Buyer personas are one of the most useful tools you can have when it comes to digital marketing, but that’s not the only way they prove to be useful.

Digital Marketing Campaigns

Once you build a couple of solid buyer personas, your digital marketing team can create very specific content to target them. Everything from the fonts to the colors to the words in your digital marketing campaign can be tailored to better appeal to your target audience. This can help the advertisement feel like it’s speaking directly to your target audience in an authentic way.


Your marketing team will benefit in many ways from having good buyer personas to work with. One way they can use this information is to improve your website’s SEO.

Marketers can use this information to come up with specific keywords that are associated with your buyer personas, which will ultimately lead to more clicks on your website, more website traffic, and better visibility on search engine results.


Pay-per-click campaigns can be really useful when they’re used correctly. They can also be very costly when they’re not being used correctly. Creating a buyer persona can help you narrow down which keywords to use in a pay-per-click campaign, and can even help you come up with some negative keywords to help avoid clicks that typically don’t lead to sales. This can help you to get the most from this type of digital marketing campaign without unnecessary spending.

How to Create Your Own Buyer Persona

When attempting to create a buyer persona to be used in digital marketing there are many demographics you should collect. To get the most effective and useful buyer persona, you’ll need to research like you never have before. Many people choose to enlist the help of a digital marketing company to complete this task. Digital marketing professionals like InnoVision are able to use their research expertise to create a buyer persona that speaks to the bulk of your target audience. Still, there are ways for you to research of your buyer personas as well.

Because there is so much data available to you, starting with your site’s personal data is a good place to start when creating a buyer persona. In your site analytics, you’ll find information about where your visitors come from, the length of time they stayed on your site, as well as the keywords they used to find you. This information about your audience is imperative, as it can help you to pick up on trends occurring for your audience.

If you see that a lot of people from the same place are visiting your site you can add that location to your buyer persona. The same thing goes for keywords and the length of time spent on your website. Take that information and use it to create better digital marketing campaigns for those people.

If you wish to even further research your buyer persona, reach out to digital marketing professionals. Using their expertise can save you time and money in the long run, while furthering your business’ digital reach.