Make the Most of Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaign This Year

Make the Most of Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaign This Year

There’s no better time to make the most of your pay-per-click (PPC) campaign than this year. The PPC advertising strategy is among the most popular ways to promote your business online, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all option. What worked for your PPC plan last year might not be the best strategy for this year, or it may not produce the same results. You should be updating and upgrading your PPC plan each year to incorporate all that you’ve learned and any new techniques available.

From an advertising agency that’s highly experienced in pay-per-click strategies, here are a few tips to help your PPC campaign thrive this year.

Set Your Budget

One of the first things you can do to make the most of your PPC campaign is to set a budget. It can be easy to lose track of your spending if you don’t set up a clear budget for this kind of advertising strategy. But there is more to it than just deciding on a number. You want to make informed budget decisions by considering things like visitor frequency, lead quality, and target cost per lead for your campaign.

Figuring out how much you can afford to spend, your conversion rate, and the value of a lead is easier than it seems. It all comes down to doing the research and is well worth it when you decide to do an advertising campaign such as this. A pay-per-click advertising agency can assist you in completing these necessary tasks and help you to set a budget that makes sense for your business. A good budget can help you to really make the most of your PPC campaign this year.

Expand Your Current Keyword List

When you set up a PPC campaign you’re asked to select specific keywords to use. It’s tempting to just use a few that you think are relevant to your niche, but why stop there? There are tons of keywords that you could be using but aren’t, and that could be what makes this year’s PPC campaign stand out from the crowd. Try expanding your keyword list by adding adjectives and adverbs to your recent keywords to help create more long-tail keywords. You can also take out descriptive words in keywords to make them perform better.

One of the easiest ways that you can improve your current keywords is to use the help of keyword suggestion tools. These tools allow you to get statistics on certain keywords so you can see how they’re performing and how much traffic they receive each month. Your keywords could be one word away from getting thousands of more insights each month, and the best way to find out is by utilizing these keyword-searching tools.

Add Negative Keywords

When PCP advertising isn’t done correctly, it can have lackluster results, such as a large number of clicks but low sales conversion. Every click you receive will cost you money, which is why it’s important to ensure that your pay-per-click advertisements are only being shown to people in your direct target audience. One way to give you better odds at success with this advertising method is to add negative keywords to your campaign.

Adding negative keywords is the process of adding words that will be intentionally left out of your campaign. To do this, you’ll need to write in the keywords that you want search engines to exclude from your advertisement when suggesting ads to their users. This helps you avoid reaching people through your advertisements that aren’t likely to be interested in what you’re selling. This technique will allow more of your ads to be shown to your target audience specifically, which will result in less money wasted on dead-end advertisements.

Identify Low-Performance Keywords

The bad keywords matter just as much as the good keywords that you’re using in your PPC campaign because they can be costing you a lot of money. Bad keywords can ruin your PPC campaign, so it’s best to go in and review your keywords on a regular basis. Knowing how they’re performing can help you know when they need to be changed.

Low-performance keywords can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes performance is lessened by a low search or bid value. This means that not many people are using the search terms, so they aren’t finding your ads. On the other hand, a keyword could be performing badly because it costs more to keep it in circulation than the amount it’s bringing in. Keywords could also be performing poorly because you’re not using keywords that are specific enough.

Whatever the case may be, you’ll be losing money the longer you continue to use these keywords without modifications. Identify which keywords aren’t performing well, and make active decisions on how to correct them.

Geotarget Your Ads

Location matters more for some businesses than others. If your service or product performs better in or is only sold in one location, then it would be wise to use geotargeting for your PPC ads. This will allow your ads to be shown more to people who are in specific geographical locations. Even if your business’s products or services are available worldwide, you may benefit from using this option. After conducting research on your sales, you may find that your product or service naturally appeals to people who live in a certain climate or area of the world. They are your target audience, and it’s best to direct your PCP ads in their direction.

Not all business owners know how to conduct the geographic targeting research needed to find their target audience. Those looking to take PPC ads seriously often hire the help of an agency, like InnoVision. They can conduct thorough research to help you determine exactly who and where your target audience is.

InnoVision Marketing Group can assist you in developing a PPC campaign that puts your businesses in the direct pathway of people who are most likely to be interested in your product. As an experienced pay-per-click advertising agency, we’ll help you build a strategy that reaches your goals and stays on budget. Speak with an expert today.