5 Steps To Creating Great Video Marketing

5 Steps To Creating Great Video Marketing

Studies have shown that investing in great video marketing is one of the best things a business can do to grow their business. These studies have demonstrated a few key things. First, prospective customers are more likely to visit a company website after having watched videos. Second, videos can keep customers’ attention better than other forms of advertising. Finally, videos can cause customers to stay on pages for longer, which can ultimately translate to increased sales.

In the past, producing top-quality video content required a budget that was simply too high for most small- and medium-sized businesses. However, technology has now advanced to the point that just about any business can advertise with amazing videos with just a tripod and a smartphone.

You can make that process even easier when you team up with one of the creative agencies in San Diego. Read on for five steps for creating great video marketing:

1. Use SEO Techniques to Make Your Videos Easy to Find

It’s important to remember that it doesn’t matter how good your videos are if no one is watching them. Of course, no one will watch them if they can’t find them. For that reason, you should utilize SEO content in order to make sure your videos are easily searchable.

What do we mean when we say SEO content? Well, SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, and it’s a technique marketers use to ensure that their content is ranked at the top of internet searches. Marketing material that makes good use of SEO content will utilize keywords and phrases that are commonly searched for, so that their sites are more easily searchable. This is true of videos as well. They can be searched based on popular word chains, and the right marketers will know how to take advantage of that.

How do you use SEO in your video marketing? Make use of keywords in your headings and titles. You should also include a transcript of your video so that search understand what it’s about. A creative agency that specializes in SEO and videos will be able to ensure that your videos can be found easily by prospective customers.

2. Know Your Audience

An important step to any successful marketing campaign is to know your audience, and this is especially true for video marketing. After all, if you are producing videos, you are trying to reach a specific clientele, and if you want to engage with them in any meaningful way, you’ll need to understand them.

What do we mean by “understand” your audience? You should know their needs, especially if you’re trying to reach an underserved market. You should understand their wants so that you can tailor your videos to them. You should also understand what they will find compelling in a video and what will connect with them.

To know your audience, you’ll need to do some research. This is true whether you’re looking to reach a specific age group, demographic, or just customers that have a specific need for your product. It’s a good idea to get advice directly from members of the group you’re trying to reach.

3. Tell Your Customers a Story

As we’ve mentioned, customers are more likely to engage for longer with video content than with other forms of advertising. This means you’ll have more precious seconds to impart your message, but it’s still crucial that you hook any prospective customers as quickly as you can. How can you do this? Well, one of the best ways is by using your video content to tell a story. What is the story of your business? How has it improved the lives of past customers?

You can even use current customers to tell their stories about your product or service. Few things are more compelling than a great testimonial, so if you have success stories, turn them into videos. The more you can demonstrate that your business is an excellent option for curious consumers, the more you can translate your videos directly into sales.

4. Teach Your Customers About Your Goods or Services

Of course, great video content will do more than just relay the story of your business to prospective customers. It will also inform them. Customers are always looking for videos that provide the information they need. No matter what goods or services your business offers, it’s likely that there are plenty of customers out there who want to know more about it. They may be curious about how to use a specific product or if the type of services you offer will be helpful for their current needs.

By partnering up with one of the creative agencies San Diego is known for, such as InnoVision, you can produce videos that rise above the pack and that impart information in a digestible and easily understandable manner.

5. Make Something Fun and Interesting

A good video can do what we’ve mentioned above: tell your story, relay information, and be easy to find. However, a great video can do all of those things while also being enjoyable and entertaining to watch. Great video marketing should make use of humor in order to get your message across. After all, if it’s enjoyable enough for a customer to watch, they may just share it with someone else. If this happens enough times, you’ll have a viral video. A viral video, in turn, is essentially free advertising.

This can mean an incredible return on your investment. In short, if your videos are enjoyable enough, they might just take your entire business to the next level.

To create a truly great video, you’ll have to do more than simply partner with any old creative agency in San Diego. Actually, you’ll want to look for an anti-agency, a company that is more interested in telling your story than in simply making another sale. That’s why InnoVision and our production company, Pretzel Logic Productions, is the best choice. Reach out to find out what we can do for your business today.